Evaluation & Consultation

learn more about dr. shosid’s
evaluation process

Dr. Shosid believes that a thorough evaluation is essential in making an accurate diagnosis and appropriate recommendations. This process helps both Dr. Shosid as well as patients and their families determine if it is appropriate to move forward with outpatient treatment. 

For child patients, Dr. Shosid will schedule an initial one hour parent consultation and she prefers that both parents attend, if possible. This initial consultation will be followed by a one hour evaluation with your child. Dr. Shosid uses developmentally-appropriate toys, games and art supplies to create a comfortable environment for your child. An additional appointment with the parents or the child may be required if the evaluation is more complex. The evaluation will conclude with a reporting conference with the parents to discuss findings and recommendations. As part of the evaluation process, Dr. Shosid will review records and collaborate with other professionals that are providing care for your child. If extensive collaboration is required, an additional fee may be incurred. If testing or medical records are available for review, please provide these to Dr. Shosid prior to the initial appointment via fax or e-mail.

For high school adolescent patients, Dr. Shosid will generally schedule a ninety minute appointment and spend time with both the adolescent and the parents. At the end of the appointment, Dr. Shosid will make treatment recommendations. However, depending on the complexity of the evaluation, an additional appointment may be required to make recommendations.

Adult patients will be seen for a one hour consultation appointment. Dr. Shosid also provides consultations for Functional Psychiatry and Women’s Brain Health.

Dr. Shosid is able to provide genetic testing, if appropriate for you our your child. Learn more about it here.